
Friday, 19 October 2018

Best Hacking Books To Help You Become An Ethical Hacker

Best Hacking Books

Best Hacking Books

The secret to becoming an (better) entrance tester, bug bounty hunter or IT professional is not only focusing on admission test books but also reading books on related topics such as: networking, programming, exploitation development, web application, network security monitoring and Other IT topics Having at least one theoretical knowledge about these subjects gives you a lot of help in seeing information security from different angles and approaches.

For this reason, I will not only list hacking books in this article but will also list books on related subjects which I have understood enough to read. In my opinion, every serious IT professional should read at least one book per month and I hope this article will help you find your next information book to read.

Penetration Testing: A Hands-On Introduction to Hacking

The first book I want to recommend is a hacking book that has helped many people make their first steps in moral hacking and entrance testing. Entrance Test: One hand written on the introduction of hacking has been written by Georgia Waidman and is a good book for new people for topics because it usually focuses on beginners.

The author of this book has incorporated many different topics such as laboratory, exploitation, mobile hacking and much more to establish a laboratory.

What I personally like about this book is that the author tells every step in the process in detail and connects it with its extensive experience in the field as an entrance examiner. So if you are new to the entrance exam without prior experience, then this book is a great place to start an exciting journey!

This book can not be the first book for beginners, although it keeps what it reads about the entrance test in the right perspective. In this book, the authors include complex attack simulations and advanced persistent threat (APT) modeling, which are beyond using Metasplight and Vulnerability Scanner. IT has included topics such as social engineering, highly secure networks, malware, C2 server and C & C structures and even advanced data exploration techniques.

In each chapter, APT modeling is described in a specific industry, such as a hospital, pharmaceutical company or an organization in the bank. Breakdown in the industry, the reader clearly shows how to protect specific industries, there are different assets, how they are preserved and by whom. At the end the author is a very experienced entrance examiner / red tiger, so the examples and references to the scenarios provided in the book come straight from the ground. must read!

This great web app hacking book should be read to anyone who is interested in web app login testing and covers everything you need to know about this topic. Web App Hacker's Handbook: Finding and Exploiting Safety Defects Second Edition is written by the founder of Portswig, which is a company behind popular security testing and scanning tool called Burp Suit. 

This book teaches you step-by-step to test the security of web applications in a phased manner. One thing that I especially like about this book is that how it protects against various web technologies, how they benefit them and especially attack. Apart from this, very basic things have been included in this book, a web application entrance examiner needs to know in depth, such as how the HTTP works to gain a better understanding of how communication between a webserver and visitor is done. Helps in understanding attacks and defense.

Web Hacking 101

Web hacking 101 has been written by Peter Yavorsky (with a proposal by the hacker on co-founders Michael Prince and Job) and public vulnerabilities on Bug-Bounty programs show the general vulnerabilities found in web applications using reports. The book includes vulnerability reports on cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF), remote code execution (RCE) and many more vulnerability types. Each report is analyzed by the author and contains details about the vulnerability, a clear explanation, and reward paid. 

With this book, you will not only learn about weaknesses and how they will be exploited but how to identify their references, effects and them on their bug bounty huntsman. In the end, the book also provides an overview of bug bounty platforms, tools, blogs, and some cheat sheets so that the bug bounty hunting could start immediately.

Applied Network Security Surveillance is a great practical guideline in Network Security Monitoring (NSM) that covers the subject from the ground. This great book helps you to become an NSM analyzer and teaches important concepts of NSM with many practical tutorials and real-life examples. Applied Network Security Monitoring is one of the best books I have read so far. 

The author of book Sanders and Jason Smith is very experienced in the field of Network Security Monitoring and also knows how to teach it to others, which is very noticeable and easy to understand if you are a new topic. They almost make the NSM look easy! The author also offers online courses and training on his website that is definitely worth checking (see Training section on Chris Sanders website).

Finally, the book is divided into three primary classes (collection, identification, and analysis) which takes you to all stages of the NSM process. There are practical examples in each section and there are coverage on the hands of the necessary equipment, which makes reading the book very easy to learn the practical side of the NSM. The book provides a complete cover on the coverage of Snort, Surikata, Brow-IDS, Silk, PRADS, and many other devices.

Written by the last group of top security experts, this book contains what you need to know about how to get a security hole in operating systems and applications. You will work with security bugs, assembler, source code, pile, pile, and similar basic building blocks. For the pre-condition of this book, you need to understand basic programming knowledge and IT concepts, but in my opinion, this is not enough. These books are written especially without any introduction or basics, which makes it very difficult and certainly not fun to read this book. 

If you have a good understanding of programming concepts, x86, assembly take advantage of development and exploit various types of advanced exploitation such as heap overflow, heap overflow, and development, return-oriented programming, fuzzing, ASLR / DEP handling and much more Want to know more about this book, more for you, this book is for you. If you have the less technical knowledge and you are starting these topics, then you will probably research a lot of things as a side effect of reading this book (though this is not a bad thing!).


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