Classification of Computers
Definition: This is a tool that can work on data. Data can be anything like bio-data, Use points obtained, airline or railway reservations, or use to solve scientific research problems. The computer can store, process, and retrieve data whenever you want.
A person can also call it a data processor because it processes the data. In this way, we can define it briefly As the process of data processing using a computer is called data processing. Collect data from various incoming sources, merge them in the desired order, and print them at the end In the desired format.
The Activities involved in data processing are:-
1. Capture input data.
2. Data manipulation
3. Management of output results.
Characteristic of Computers
1. Automatic: Computers are automatic m/c because once they start the job, they work until the job is done. The end is that it is a program of coded information from a program that specifies how the works, In fact, a special task is done.
2. Speed: This is a very fast tool. It can perform in a few seconds i.e. a router does in 1 minute. What a man will take his entire life. When we talk about the speed we mean speed MicroSecond for the power of 6 -10, nanoseconds i.e. the power of 10 -9 and even Picosecond i.e. Powerful computer displays billions i.e. 10 For power 9 simple arithmetic expressions.
3. Accuracy: Computers are very accurate. The accuracy of the computer is very high, and the degree of Accuracy depends on its design.
4. Diligence: Unlike a human, a computer is free of monotony, fatigue and lack Concentration It can work without any errors and for hours without murmur.
5. Versatility: This is the most important thing about a computer. It is preparing a result for a moment The exam is busy preparing this bill next, it can help an office in the middle Secretary to find a key letter in seconds In a nutshell computer is enabled Do any work
6. Power of Remembering: A computer can store and remember any information due to its secondary storage capacity. Even after many years, the information remembered will be as follows
Just the same day as it was fed.
7. No. I.Q: The computer does not own any intelligence. Its IQ is zero. Lime to date this is
It is to be told what to do and in what order to do it.
8. No Feeling: Computers are devoid of emotion. They have neither any sense nor any instinct because of the M / C, their decision is based on the instructions given to them.
Programs that are written by us
Evolution of Computers
Let us discuss the history of computers, the first mechanical linking was invented by m / c Blaze Pascal in 1642 In the year 1671, Baron Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz of Germany The first calculator for multiplication was invented. Harman came up with the concept of Holarrith Punchcards, which are widely used as input media in computers
Business m / c and calculator made its presence in Europe and America by the end of the 19th
19th-century Professor Charles Babes is considered to be the father of Cambridge University
Modern digital computer Babbage had to spend several hours checking these tables, which were made.
His job was difficult, as a result, he started building an M / C, which could calculate the guaranteed tables.
The error is free. In 1822, he designed an "inter-engine", which produces reliable tables. And in
1842 Babbage Analytical Engine Comes With Your Thoughts
Let's briefly discuss some of the well-known early computers: -
1. The Mark I Computer: Automatic Sequence is known as Controlled Calculator, it was completely first Automatic Count M / C designed by Howard A. At Aachen, Harvard University
Collaboration with IBM It was based on the perforated card concept. Although it was The design is very complex and spacious in size. It uses 3000 power-driven switches It governs its operation and was about 50 feet long and 8 feet high.
2. Athens Off - Berry Computer: It was developed by Dr. John Attenforce to solve the mathematical equation. It was called ABC Computer. It used 45 vacuum tubes for internal logic and capacitors for storage
3. The ENIAC (1943-46): This is the first electronic numerical integrator and computer Designed and constructed under the supervision of John Mauchly and John Prepress Eckert At the University of Pennsylvania, the world's first general-purpose was Digital computer. This project was a response to America's war-time needs. Research Laboratory (BRL), an agency responsible for developing boundary trajectory tables For the new Vipon, it was difficult to supply these tables correctly and within one. Reasonable time limit BRL employed more than 200 people, mostly women who using desktop calculators, solved the necessary basic equations. Preparation of the tables for a single weapon would take one person many hours, even days
4. Mauchly: A professor of electrical engineering at the university and one of the Eckert Graduate students proposed to build a general-purpose computer using vacuum tubes Used for BRL applications. As a result, the weight of M / C was 30 tons, Capturing 15,000 square feet, has more than 18,000 vacuum tubes consumed it 140 Kilowatt electric power It was faster than any electromechanical computer as well 5000 plus per second.
5. The EDVAC (1946-52): (electronic discrete variable automated computer) is a major The lack of ENIAC was that its programs were wired on the boards, which made it difficult To change programs. This problem was later followed by Dr. John Neumann ended up. The basic idea behind this concept was that the sequence of data and the data could be stored in the computer's memory.
Von Neumann Machine
As mentioned above the functions of entry and replacement programs for ENIAC If programs can be represented then the tiresome Programming process can be facilitated The appropriate form for storing data along with the data in the memory Then a computer can get its instructions By setting them to memory and setting values, a program can be set or changed The share of memory. This idea is known as the stored-program concept,
which is usually attributed to ENIAC Designers, especially mathematician John von Neumann, who was the advisor on ENIAC Project The first publication of the idea was proposed in 1945 by Von Neumann for a new one Computers,
EDVAC (Electronic Discovery Variable Computer) von Neumann and his colleagues Launched the design of a new stored-program computer, called an IAS computer,
Explanation of the Above:
Today's computers have the same structure and function and hence it is referred to Von Neumann as M / C.
The following is the IAS memory format
According to the Above Fig.
6. EDSAC (1947 - 49): (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator) This was developed by a group under the leadership of M / c scientist Professor Cyril Wilkes, in addition to m / c, the operation was completed in 1500 microseconds and multiplied operation. Was 4000 microseconds.
7. UNIVAC (1951): This was a universal automated computer first digital computer, which was not "one kind". For the first 10 years, it was constantly installed and used. International Business m / c corp. introduced 701 commercial computers in 1952.
Drexler's Architecture for an Assembler
Drexler's Assembler von Neumann follows the architecture, but it is special to deal with Systems made from Atom Essential components in the assembly of Drexler. Here the emphasis is on the small size (as opposed to von Neumann's proposal). Computer and Constructors shrink both on the molecular scale, while the constructor takes on additional detail According to the desire to manipulate molecular structures with atomic precision.
There are two main subsystems of the molecular constructor: (1) a positional capacity and (2) "tip"
The situational ability can be provided with one or more small robot weapons or alternatively
A wide range of devices providing position control can be provided by one of.
The emphasis, however, is on a positional device that is very small in scale: maybe 0.1 microns (100)
Nanometer) in either size.
As a side, the current SPM (Scanning probe microscope) designs piezoelectric elements For position control. There is a clear question to ask: Why prefer mechanical positions Systems on piezoelectric or other electrostatic devices? Reasons to Use Basically Mechanical devices on a molecular scale are similar to those that are mechanical devices Planned on a macro scale: Compactness and desire for higher position accuracy (E.g., high hardness). It weighs against electrostatic and piezoelectric devices. Molecular, On the other hand, mechanical devices can employ very rigid materials and, with appropriate In the design, there may be additions that can easily move but which provide high rigidity at the same time Other degrees of independence
"Tip chemistry" is logically similar to Von Neumann's Universal Constructor's ability To change the position of a cell at the tip of the hand, but the change in the "state" here should be consistent with A
Real-world change in molecular structure. That is, we should specify a set of well-defined chemicals
Reactions that occur at the tip of the arm and this should be a well-defined set of chemical reactions
Sufficient to allow the synthesis of the class of interest structures
Assembler, as defined here, is not a specific device, but rather a class of devices. Specific Members of this class will deal with specific issues on specific issues.
Also Read:
1. The Mark I Computer: Automatic Sequence is known as Controlled Calculator, it was completely first Automatic Count M / C designed by Howard A. At Aachen, Harvard University
Collaboration with IBM It was based on the perforated card concept. Although it was The design is very complex and spacious in size. It uses 3000 power-driven switches It governs its operation and was about 50 feet long and 8 feet high.
2. Athens Off - Berry Computer: It was developed by Dr. John Attenforce to solve the mathematical equation. It was called ABC Computer. It used 45 vacuum tubes for internal logic and capacitors for storage
3. The ENIAC (1943-46): This is the first electronic numerical integrator and computer Designed and constructed under the supervision of John Mauchly and John Prepress Eckert At the University of Pennsylvania, the world's first general-purpose was Digital computer. This project was a response to America's war-time needs. Research Laboratory (BRL), an agency responsible for developing boundary trajectory tables For the new Vipon, it was difficult to supply these tables correctly and within one. Reasonable time limit BRL employed more than 200 people, mostly women who using desktop calculators, solved the necessary basic equations. Preparation of the tables for a single weapon would take one person many hours, even days
4. Mauchly: A professor of electrical engineering at the university and one of the Eckert Graduate students proposed to build a general-purpose computer using vacuum tubes Used for BRL applications. As a result, the weight of M / C was 30 tons, Capturing 15,000 square feet, has more than 18,000 vacuum tubes consumed it 140 Kilowatt electric power It was faster than any electromechanical computer as well 5000 plus per second.
5. The EDVAC (1946-52): (electronic discrete variable automated computer) is a major The lack of ENIAC was that its programs were wired on the boards, which made it difficult To change programs. This problem was later followed by Dr. John Neumann ended up. The basic idea behind this concept was that the sequence of data and the data could be stored in the computer's memory.
Von Neumann Machine
As mentioned above the functions of entry and replacement programs for ENIAC If programs can be represented then the tiresome Programming process can be facilitated The appropriate form for storing data along with the data in the memory Then a computer can get its instructions By setting them to memory and setting values, a program can be set or changed The share of memory. This idea is known as the stored-program concept,
which is usually attributed to ENIAC Designers, especially mathematician John von Neumann, who was the advisor on ENIAC Project The first publication of the idea was proposed in 1945 by Von Neumann for a new one Computers,
EDVAC (Electronic Discovery Variable Computer) von Neumann and his colleagues Launched the design of a new stored-program computer, called an IAS computer,
General Structure of the IAS Computer.
- The main memory that stores data and instructions
- Arithmetic and logical unit (ALU) which is capable of working on binary data
- A control unit, which interprets the instructions in memory, has caused to execute them.
- Instruments powered by input and output (I / O) control unit.
Explanation of the Above:
- Since the device is primarily a computer, it will have to perform the primary Most often the arithmetic operations These add, subtraction, multiplication, and division: +, -, x, \ is taken care of by the central arithmetic part equipment. I.e. CA
- The logical control of the device, which is the proper indexing of its operation The most efficient way is done by central control organ i.e. CC
- Any device that has to complete a long and complex footprint of operation There should be enough memory. I.e.
- The above three specific parts constitute CA, CCE (C), M input, and output equipment.
- Devices should be endowed with the ability to maintain input and output Contact some of these types of specific mediums. The medium will be asked Recording medium outside device: R
- The device should have some organs to transfer information from R to your specific Parts C and M. i.e
- The device should have some organs to transfer from C, M to R. i.e.
Today's computers have the same structure and function and hence it is referred to Von Neumann as M / C.
The following is the IAS memory format
According to the Above Fig.
- (MBR) memory buffer register: It contains the word stored in memory, or it is used to get a word from memory.
- (March) Memory Address Register: Specifies the address in memory of the word written or read in MBR.
- (IR) Instructions register: 8-bit opcode instruction is being executed
- (IBR) instructions buffer register: Temporarily employed to keep the right direction from one word in memory.
- (PC) Program Counter: The next instruction-pair to be obtained from the memory is known.
- (AC) accumulator and multiplier-quotient (MQ): Temporarily employed on the operation and results of ALU operations. for example. The result of multiplying two 40-bit numbers is an 80-bit number, the most important 40 bits are stored in the AC and the least important in the MQ.
6. EDSAC (1947 - 49): (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator) This was developed by a group under the leadership of M / c scientist Professor Cyril Wilkes, in addition to m / c, the operation was completed in 1500 microseconds and multiplied operation. Was 4000 microseconds.
7. UNIVAC (1951): This was a universal automated computer first digital computer, which was not "one kind". For the first 10 years, it was constantly installed and used. International Business m / c corp. introduced 701 commercial computers in 1952.
Drexler's Architecture for an Assembler
Drexler's Assembler von Neumann follows the architecture, but it is special to deal with Systems made from Atom Essential components in the assembly of Drexler. Here the emphasis is on the small size (as opposed to von Neumann's proposal). Computer and Constructors shrink both on the molecular scale, while the constructor takes on additional detail According to the desire to manipulate molecular structures with atomic precision.
There are two main subsystems of the molecular constructor: (1) a positional capacity and (2) "tip"
The situational ability can be provided with one or more small robot weapons or alternatively
A wide range of devices providing position control can be provided by one of.
The emphasis, however, is on a positional device that is very small in scale: maybe 0.1 microns (100)
Nanometer) in either size.
As a side, the current SPM (Scanning probe microscope) designs piezoelectric elements For position control. There is a clear question to ask: Why prefer mechanical positions Systems on piezoelectric or other electrostatic devices? Reasons to Use Basically Mechanical devices on a molecular scale are similar to those that are mechanical devices Planned on a macro scale: Compactness and desire for higher position accuracy (E.g., high hardness). It weighs against electrostatic and piezoelectric devices. Molecular, On the other hand, mechanical devices can employ very rigid materials and, with appropriate In the design, there may be additions that can easily move but which provide high rigidity at the same time Other degrees of independence
"Tip chemistry" is logically similar to Von Neumann's Universal Constructor's ability To change the position of a cell at the tip of the hand, but the change in the "state" here should be consistent with A
Real-world change in molecular structure. That is, we should specify a set of well-defined chemicals
Reactions that occur at the tip of the arm and this should be a well-defined set of chemical reactions
Sufficient to allow the synthesis of the class of interest structures
Assembler, as defined here, is not a specific device, but rather a class of devices. Specific Members of this class will deal with specific issues on specific issues.
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