What is a Computer? Learn Computer from Basic to Advanced Part 2
Hello!friends, I'm certain currently you want to be versed with the History of Computers from the
Previous Article. Today I'll be finishing the remaining a part of the previous lecture
Let's begin with the definition of Pixels, the tiniest dot which will be displayed is named a pixels.
The number of pixels which will be displayed vertically and horizontally provides the utmost
resolution of the monitor. The resolution of the monitor determines the standard of the show.
The higher the resolution the higher is that the quality of the show. Some widespread resolution ar
800*640 pixels, 1024*768 pixels, 1280*1024 pixels.
Line Printer
- It prints a whole line at a time.
- Printing speed varies from a hundred and fifty lines to 2500 lines per minute with ninety-six to one hundred sixty characters on a 15-inch line.
- Six to eight lines per vertical in. are wrote.
- typically sixty-four and ninety-six character sets are used with English letters.
- 2 sorts of Line Printers are on the market.
- Drum Printers: It consists of a cylindrical drum. The characters to be written ar brocaded on its surface
- Chain Printers: I actually have a band on that the character sets are brocaded.
Serial Printers
- It prints one character at a time, with the print head moving across a line.
- they're like typewriters.
- they're ordinarily slow (30 to three hundred characters per second)
- the foremost widespread printing machine is "Dot Matrix Printer".
- Her character to be written is formed of a finite variety of dots and then, the print the head consists of associate degree array of pins.
- Characters to be written ar sent one character at a time from the memory to the printer. The character code is decoded by the printer physics and activates the appropriate pins within the print head.
- several matrix printers are bi-directional. i.e. they print type left to right moreover as from right to left on come back. This enhances the speed of printing.
- The printing speed is around three hundred characters per second.
Letter Quality Printers
- Here the characters are pictured by sharp continuous lines and then the output is sweet looking
- associate degree example of such a printer is "Inkjet Printer".
- It consists of a print head, that encompasses a variety of little hole or nozzles.
- Individual holes are often heated terribly speedily by associate degree computer circuit electrical device. When the electrical device heats up, the ink close to it vaporizes and is ejected through the nozzle and makes a dot on paper placed close to the pinnacle.
- A high-resolution inkjet printer has around fifty nozzles among a height of 7mm and can print with a resolution of three hundred dots per in.
- Latest inkjet printers have multiple heads, one per color, that permits color printing.
- The printing speed is around a hundred and twenty characters per second.
Laser Printers
- Here associate degree electronically controlled light beam traces out the specified character to be written on an electrical conduction drum. The drum attracts associate degree ink toner on o the exposed areas. This image is transferred to the paper, that comes involved with the drum.
- Low-speed optical device printers, which might print four to sixteen pages per minute, ar currently very talked-about and the cost is around Rs.0.5 lakh.
- in no time printers print ten,000 lines per minute and price per unit is around R.5 lakhs. These printers offer glorious outputs and might print a range of fonts.
- As these printers don't have sort head placing on a ribbon, they're called non-impact printers.
- Drum Plotter
- Flat Bed Plotter
- Microfilm and microfilm
- Graphic show device (Digitizing Tablet)
- Speech Output Unit
What is Computer Memory
Main Memory
A flip-flop made from electronic semiconductor devices is employed to unreal a memory cell. These
memory cells organized as a Random Access Memory (RAM). every cell encompasses the capability to store one little bit of data. Main memory or store of a pc is organized employing a massive number of cells. every cell stores a digit. A memory cell, that doesn't lose the bit stored in it once no power is provided to the cell, is apprehended as a non-volatile cell.
A word could be a cluster of bits, that ar keep and retrieved as a unit. A memory system is organized to store a variety of words. A computer memory unit consists of eight bits. A word might store one or additional bytes. The storage capability of memory is that the variety of bytes it will store.
The address of the location from wherever a word is to be retrieved or to keep is entered during a Memory Address Register (MAR). the information retrieved from memory or to keep in memory is placed during a Memory information Register (MDR). The time taken to put in writing a word is thought because of the Write time. The time to retrieve data is named the interval of the memory.
The time taken to access a word during a memory is freelance of the address of the word and
hence it's apprehended as a Random Access Memory (RAM). the most memory wont to store
programs and information during a pc could be a RAM. A RAM is also unreal with for good keep
information, that can't be erased. Such a memory is named a browse solely Memory (ROM).
For additional specialized uses, a user will store his won special functions or programs during a read-only memory.
Such read-only memories are referred to as Programmable ROM (PROM). A serial access memory is organized by arranging memory cells during a linear sequence. data is retrieved or keep in such memory by employing a read/write head. information is bestowed serially for writing and is retrieved serially throughout the reading.
Secondary or External Storage Devices
Magnetic surface recording devices unremarkably utilized in computers are laborious disks, Floppy disks, CD-ROMs and Magnetic tapes. These devices are called secondary or external storage
devices. we are going to see a number of these devices below.
Floppy Disk Drive (FDD)
In this device, the medium wont to record the information is named as a diskette. it's a versatile circular disk of diameter three.5 inches made from plastic coated with a magnetic material. this can be housed during a square plastic jacket. every diskette will store some on million characters. Data
recorded on a diskette is browsed and keep during a computer's memory by a tool referred to as a floppy disk is browse and keep during a computer's memory by a tool referred to as a diskette drive (FDD).
A diskette is inserted during a slot of the FDD. The disk is revolved ordinarily at three hundred revolutions per minute. A reading head is positioned touching a track. A voltage is iatrogenic during a coil wound on the head once a magnetized spot moves below the pinnacle. The polarity of the iatrogenic voltage when a zero is browsed. The voltage detected by the pinnacle coil is amplified, regenerate to associate degree acceptable signal and keep in computer's memory.
Compact Disk Drive (CDD)
CD-ROM (Compact Disk browse solely Memory) used a light beam to record and browse information on spiral tracks on a five 1/4 disk. A disk will store around 650 MB of data. CD-ROMs are normally wont to store huge text information. (such as encyclopedias) that is for good recorded
and read persistently. Recently CD writers have are available in the market. employing a CD author, lot of information are often written on compact disc read-only memory and keep for future reference.
Hard Disk Drive (HDD)
Unlike a diskette that's versatile and removable, the magnetic disc utilized in the computer is for good
fixed. The magnetic disc utilized in a better finish computer will have the most storage capacity of seventeen GB (GigaByte; one GB= 1024 MB = a pair of thirty bytes).
Nowadays, laborious disks capacities of 540 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB, four GB, and eight GB are quite common. the information transfer rate between the C.P.U. and the magnetic disc is much higher as compared to the between the C.P.U. and therefore the diskette drive. The C.P.U. will use the magnetic disc to load programs and information moreover on store information. The magnetic disc could be a vital Input/Output (I/O) device. The magnetic disc drive does not need any special care aside from the requirement that one ought to operate the computer among a dust-free and funky space (preferably air-conditioned).
In summary, an automatic data processing system is organized with a balanced configuration of various sorts of memories. the most memory (RAM) is employed to store program being presently dead by the computer. Disks are wont to store massive information files and program files. Tapes are serial access memories and want to backup the files type the disk. CD-ROMs are wont to store user manuals, large text, audio, and video information.
Software & Hardware
A set of programs related to the operation of a pc is named software package. The electronic
circuits utilized in the building that executes the software package is thought because of the hardware of the pc. for instance, a TV bought from a store is hardware; the assorted diversion programs transmitted from the station ar software package. a very important purpose to notice is, the hardware is a one-time expense and is critical whereas software package could be a continued expense and is significant.
Secondary or External Storage Devices
Magnetic surface recording devices unremarkably utilized in computers are laborious disks, Floppy disks, CD-ROMs and Magnetic tapes. These devices are called secondary or external storage
devices. we are going to see a number of these devices below.
Floppy Disk Drive (FDD)
In this device, the medium wont to record the information is named as a diskette. it's a versatile circular disk of diameter three.5 inches made from plastic coated with a magnetic material. this can be housed during a square plastic jacket. every diskette will store some on million characters. Data
recorded on a diskette is browsed and keep during a computer's memory by a tool referred to as a floppy disk is browse and keep during a computer's memory by a tool referred to as a diskette drive (FDD).
A diskette is inserted during a slot of the FDD. The disk is revolved ordinarily at three hundred revolutions per minute. A reading head is positioned touching a track. A voltage is iatrogenic during a coil wound on the head once a magnetized spot moves below the pinnacle. The polarity of the iatrogenic voltage when a zero is browsed. The voltage detected by the pinnacle coil is amplified, regenerate to associate degree acceptable signal and keep in computer's memory.
- Floppy Disks come with numerous capacities as mentioned below.
- five 1/4 drive- 360KB, 1.2MB (1 KB= a pair of ten = 1024 bytes)
- three one/2 drive- 1.44 Mb, 2.88 MB (1MB= a pair of twenty bytes)
Compact Disk Drive (CDD)
CD-ROM (Compact Disk browse solely Memory) used a light beam to record and browse information on spiral tracks on a five 1/4 disk. A disk will store around 650 MB of data. CD-ROMs are normally wont to store huge text information. (such as encyclopedias) that is for good recorded
and read persistently. Recently CD writers have are available in the market. employing a CD author, lot of information are often written on compact disc read-only memory and keep for future reference.
Hard Disk Drive (HDD)
Unlike a diskette that's versatile and removable, the magnetic disc utilized in the computer is for good
fixed. The magnetic disc utilized in a better finish computer will have the most storage capacity of seventeen GB (GigaByte; one GB= 1024 MB = a pair of thirty bytes).
Nowadays, laborious disks capacities of 540 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB, four GB, and eight GB are quite common. the information transfer rate between the C.P.U. and the magnetic disc is much higher as compared to the between the C.P.U. and therefore the diskette drive. The C.P.U. will use the magnetic disc to load programs and information moreover on store information. The magnetic disc could be a vital Input/Output (I/O) device. The magnetic disc drive does not need any special care aside from the requirement that one ought to operate the computer among a dust-free and funky space (preferably air-conditioned).
In summary, an automatic data processing system is organized with a balanced configuration of various sorts of memories. the most memory (RAM) is employed to store program being presently dead by the computer. Disks are wont to store massive information files and program files. Tapes are serial access memories and want to backup the files type the disk. CD-ROMs are wont to store user manuals, large text, audio, and video information.
Application and System Software Package
Software & Hardware
A set of programs related to the operation of a pc is named software package. The electronic
circuits utilized in the building that executes the software package is thought because of the hardware of the pc. for instance, a TV bought from a store is hardware; the assorted diversion programs transmitted from the station ar software package. a very important purpose to notice is, the hardware is a one-time expense and is critical whereas software package could be a continued expense and is significant.
The computer software package is also classified into 2 broad categories:
Application software package
It is the set of programs necessary to hold out operations for such application.
System Software Package
These are a general program written for the system, which gives the surroundings to facilitate
the writing of Application software package. a number of the system programs ar given below:
Compiler: it's a translator systems program wont to translate a problem-oriented language program into a Machine language program.
Assembler: it's associate degree other translator program wont to translate a programming language program into a Machine language program.
Interpreter: it's conjointly a translator system program wont to translate a High-level language
program into a Machine language program, however, it interprets and executes line by line.
Loader: it's a systems program wont to store the machine language program into the memory of
the computer.
Machine Language
The computers will execute a program written victimization binary digits solely. this kind of programs is called machine language programs. Since these programs use solely '0's and '1's it'll be terribly difficult for developing programs for complicated drawback resolution. conjointly it'll be terribly troublesome for a person to grasp a machine language program written by another person. At present, computer users don't write programs victimization machine language. conjointly these programs written for execution in one pc can't be used on another form of pc. i.e., the programs were
machine dependent.
Assembly Language
In a programming language, mnemotechnical codes are wont to develop a program for drawback resolution. The program given below shows programming language program to feature 2 numbers A & B.
Program code Description
READ A It reads the value of A.
ADD B The value of B is added with A
STORE C The result is stored in C.
PRINT C The result in 'C' is printed.
HALT Stop execution.
Assembly Language is meant primarily to interchange every code with and intelligible
mnemonic code. To execute the associate degree programming language program it ought to 1st be interpreting into associate degree equivalent machine language program. Writing and understanding programs in assembly language are less complicated than that of machine language. The programs written in the programming language are also machine dependent.
High-Level Languages
The high-level language is developed to permit application programs, that are machine independent. High-level language permits the user to use intelligible codes victimization the language structure. so as to execute a problem-oriented language program, it ought to be translated into a machine language either employing a compiler or interpreter. The high-level languages unremarkably used ar algebraic language (FORmula TRANslation), BASIC (Beginner's general Symbolic Instruction Code), programming language (COmmon Business homeward Language). A recently developed programming language like Visual Foxpro, Visual Basic (VB), Visual C++ (VC++) are additional
popular among the software package developers. the subsequent program written in the BASIC language is to add 2 given numbers.
Program Code Description
10 INPUT A,B To browse the worth of A&B
20 LET C=A+B A&B ar additional and result's keep in C
30 PRINT C Print the worth of C
40 finish Stop execution
Computers and Communications
Local space Network (LAN) & Wide space Network (WAN)
Computers on the market in remote locations will communicate with one another employing a
telecommunication line. a way of connecting the computers is by victimization devices referred to as
modems. Electronic equipment is employed to transfer information from one pc to different victimization the phone lines.
Electronic equipment converts the strings of 0s and 1s into electrical signals which might be transferred over the phone lines. each the receiving and therefore the sending pc have a phone
connection and electronic equipment. associate degree external electronic equipment is connected to the pc sort of a typical input or associate degree output device. indoor electronic equipment is fitted into the electronic equipment associated with the C.P.U. and Memory.
Interconnection of computers that are among identical building or close locations forms a network of computers and this network is named a neighborhood space Network (LAN). A LAN permits sharing of information files, computing resources, and peripherals. Interconnection of computers situated
in distant locations victimization, telecom system is thought as Wide space Network (WAN).
Intercommunication between pc networks is feasible currently. pc networks situated in different Organizations will communicate with one another through a facility apprehend as the net. Internet could be a worldwide network, that interconnects pc networks across countries. the net facilitates email correspondence (email), file-transfer between any 2 computers and remote access to a pc connected within the net. This communicating facility has modified the fashion of functioning of the business and it's created the world a worldwide village.
So this covers the fundamentals of the automatic data processing system and its application. currently, I might begin with the generation of computers.
Application software package
It is the set of programs necessary to hold out operations for such application.
- To solve a group of equations
- To method examination results
- To prepare a Pay-Bill for a corporation
- To prepare Electricity-Bill for every month.
System Software Package
These are a general program written for the system, which gives the surroundings to facilitate
the writing of Application software package. a number of the system programs ar given below:
Compiler: it's a translator systems program wont to translate a problem-oriented language program into a Machine language program.
Assembler: it's associate degree other translator program wont to translate a programming language program into a Machine language program.
Interpreter: it's conjointly a translator system program wont to translate a High-level language
program into a Machine language program, however, it interprets and executes line by line.
Loader: it's a systems program wont to store the machine language program into the memory of
the computer.
What is Computer Languages
Machine Language
The computers will execute a program written victimization binary digits solely. this kind of programs is called machine language programs. Since these programs use solely '0's and '1's it'll be terribly difficult for developing programs for complicated drawback resolution. conjointly it'll be terribly troublesome for a person to grasp a machine language program written by another person. At present, computer users don't write programs victimization machine language. conjointly these programs written for execution in one pc can't be used on another form of pc. i.e., the programs were
machine dependent.
Assembly Language
In a programming language, mnemotechnical codes are wont to develop a program for drawback resolution. The program given below shows programming language program to feature 2 numbers A & B.
Program code Description
READ A It reads the value of A.
ADD B The value of B is added with A
STORE C The result is stored in C.
PRINT C The result in 'C' is printed.
HALT Stop execution.
mnemonic code. To execute the associate degree programming language program it ought to 1st be interpreting into associate degree equivalent machine language program. Writing and understanding programs in assembly language are less complicated than that of machine language. The programs written in the programming language are also machine dependent.
High-Level Languages
The high-level language is developed to permit application programs, that are machine independent. High-level language permits the user to use intelligible codes victimization the language structure. so as to execute a problem-oriented language program, it ought to be translated into a machine language either employing a compiler or interpreter. The high-level languages unremarkably used ar algebraic language (FORmula TRANslation), BASIC (Beginner's general Symbolic Instruction Code), programming language (COmmon Business homeward Language). A recently developed programming language like Visual Foxpro, Visual Basic (VB), Visual C++ (VC++) are additional
popular among the software package developers. the subsequent program written in the BASIC language is to add 2 given numbers.
Program Code Description
10 INPUT A,B To browse the worth of A&B
20 LET C=A+B A&B ar additional and result's keep in C
30 PRINT C Print the worth of C
40 finish Stop execution
Computers and Communications
Local space Network (LAN) & Wide space Network (WAN)
Computers on the market in remote locations will communicate with one another employing a
telecommunication line. a way of connecting the computers is by victimization devices referred to as
modems. Electronic equipment is employed to transfer information from one pc to different victimization the phone lines.
Electronic equipment converts the strings of 0s and 1s into electrical signals which might be transferred over the phone lines. each the receiving and therefore the sending pc have a phone
connection and electronic equipment. associate degree external electronic equipment is connected to the pc sort of a typical input or associate degree output device. indoor electronic equipment is fitted into the electronic equipment associated with the C.P.U. and Memory.
Interconnection of computers that are among identical building or close locations forms a network of computers and this network is named a neighborhood space Network (LAN). A LAN permits sharing of information files, computing resources, and peripherals. Interconnection of computers situated
in distant locations victimization, telecom system is thought as Wide space Network (WAN).
What is Internet?
Intercommunication between pc networks is feasible currently. pc networks situated in different Organizations will communicate with one another through a facility apprehend as the net. Internet could be a worldwide network, that interconnects pc networks across countries. the net facilitates email correspondence (email), file-transfer between any 2 computers and remote access to a pc connected within the net. This communicating facility has modified the fashion of functioning of the business and it's created the world a worldwide village.
So this covers the fundamentals of the automatic data processing system and its application. currently, I might begin with the generation of computers.
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