
Wednesday, 2 January 2019

How to Protect Your Computer from Viruses, Malware and Hackers


How to Protect Your Computer from Viruses, Malware, and Hackers

Today, more and more people are using their computer for everything from communication to online banking and from investment to shopping.

As we do these things on a more regular basis, we open ourselves up to potential hackers, attackers and crackers. While some may see your personal information and identity for resale, others just want to use your computer as a platform, from which to attack other unknowable goals.

Below are some easy, cost-effective steps that you can Protect Your Computer from Viruses safer to start:

1. Always back Up important information and store it at a safe location other than your computer.

2. Update and pour your operating system, web browser and software frequently. If you have a Windows operating system, start by running the Update Wizard by going to

This program will help you find the latest patches for your Windows computer. Also, visit and locate a potential patch for your office programs.

3. Install a firewall. Without a good firewall, viruses, worms, trojans, malware, and adware can easily access your computer from the Internet. The advantages and disadvantages of hardware and software based firewall programs should be considered.

4. Review your browser and email settings for optimal security. Why should you do this? ActiveX and Javascript are often used by hackers

Root malicious programs into your computer. While cookies are relatively harmless in terms of safety concerns, they still track your movements on the Internet to create your profile. For at least "Internet Zone" set your security setting at high, and your "trusted sites zone" to take the media.

5. Install anti-virus software and set for automatic updates so that you get the most current version.

6. Do not open anonymous email attachments. It's simply not enough that you can identify the address from which it is generated because many viruses can spread from a familiar address.

7. Do not run programs from unknown origin. Also, do not send such programs to friends and colleagues because they contain fun or entertaining stories or jokes. They may have a Trojan horse waiting for the computer to be infected.

8. Disable hidden filename extensions. By default, the Windows operating system is set to "Hide file extensions for known file types". Disable this option so that the file extension appears in Windows. Some file extensions will continue to be hidden, by default, but you are likely to see any unusual file extensions that are not related.

9. Turn off your computer and disconnect it from the network if not using the computer. When you are a hacker can not attack your computer

Disconnected from the network or computer.

10. Consider making boot disks on floppy disks if your computer is compromised by malfunctioning or malicious programs. Obviously, you need to take this step before experiencing the hostile violation of your system.


A key point that needs to be discussed: Spam is now getting more and more numbers from other countries. These emails are hard to fight because they come from outside our country's laws and regulations. Because the Internet opens borders and thinks globally, these laws are fine and good but do not stop the problem.

Here are the Top 5 Rules to Protect Against Spam:

Number 1: What you can do to avoid having your email address on the Internet. 

There are products called "Spam Spider" which send emails to search the email on an email address. If you are interested, do a search on "Spam Spider" and be amazed at what you get. Interestingly,, a site that is open source, is ready to fight Internet "Spambots" and "Spam Spider", which gives them a bogus HTML web page, which contains fake email addresses. Are there.

Some suggestions for you:

  • Use the form email, which can hide the addresses or even
  • To help fight the problem, use addresses like instead of your full address.
  • There are programs that encode your emails, such as jsGuard, that encode your email address on web pages so that spam spiders find it difficult or impossible to read your email address.

Number 2: Get a spam blocking software.

There are several programs for this. (For example, visit or ). You can also buy a professional version. Whatever you do, get the software. This will save you time. The software is not silly, but they really help. You'll usually have to set up some manual to block certain types of emails.

Number 3: Use multiple email address approaches.

There should be a lot of free email addresses. If you want to subscribe to newsletters, then there should be a "backup" email address. It will be like giving your phone number to your best friends and all else to get a business number.

Number 4: Attachments to people you do not know, BAD, BAD, BAD

A common problem with spam is that they have attachments and there may be viruses in the attachment. Corporations often have filters that do not let such things happen to you. There is far more "open country" for individual email spammers. A general rule of thumb: If you do not know who is sending you, then ignore this topic. Secondly, look for services offering to filter. Firewall vendors also offer this type of service.

Number 5: Email services now have "bulk-mail" baskets.

If you currently use, it does not support it, then think about going to a new gender. The concept is simple. If you know someone, they can send you an email. If you do not know them, then put them in bulk email piles and then "select" to allow them in your circle. This is a concept in spam blocking software, but additional layers seem important these days, so it is worth seeing.

Spyware and Adware

Spyware and adware are not only a growing nuisance for computer users everywhere but also a fast-growing industry.

Where does it come from?

Generally, spyware is produced in three ways. The first and most common method is when the user installs it. In this scenario, spyware is embedded, attached or bundled with freeware or shareware programs without user knowledge. The user downloads the program to his computer.

Once downloaded, the spyware program goes to collect data for the personal use of spyware authors or to sell it to a third party. Beware of several P2P file-sharing programs. They are notorious for downloads that keep spyware programs.

The user of a downloadable program should pay extra attention to the licensing agreement. Often the software publisher will warn the user that a spyware program will be installed along with the requested program.

Some agreements can provide special "opt-out" boxes that users can click to prevent spyware from being included in the download. Be sure to review the document before signing the download.

Another way is that spyware can access your computer, which can deceive you by manipulating the security features designed to stop any unwanted installation. The Internet Explorer web browser was designed to not allow websites to launch any unwanted downloads. This is the reason that the user has to start the download by clicking on a link. These links can prove confusing.

For example, pop-ups created after a standard Windows dialog box can appear on your screen. The message can ask if you want to optimize your internet access. It provides yes or no reply button, but, no matter what push you to push, a download containing a spyware program will begin. New versions of Internet Explorer are making this spyware route a bit more difficult now.

Finally, some spyware applications infect a system by attacking security holes in web browsers or other software. When a user navigates to a webpage controlled by a spyware author, the page contains a code designed to attack the browser and forces the installation of spyware programs.

What can spyware programs do?

Spyware programs can cater to a multitude of malicious tasks. Some of his work is annoying for the user; Others may be quite aggressive in nature.

Spyware can:
  • Monitor your keystrokes for reporting purposes.
  • Scan the files located on your hard drive.
  • Snoop through the app on our desktop.
  • Install other spyware programs in your computer.
  • Read your cookies.
  • Steal credit card numbers, passwords, and other personal information
  • Change the default settings on your home page web browser.

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