
Monday, 15 October 2018

Social Media Security Tips - Best Ways to Secure your Social Media Accounts


Social Media Security Tips

Social Media is a place for people to post freely, express their opinions, and connect with friends. Social media is not just a network of people, but a network of friends, family, and business.

Your personal Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, YouTube among your Social Network accounts keeps very valuable information. Including your reputation, personal likes-dislikes among different establishments Although these networks are a great way to share content, connect with friends and listen to your opinions, the security of your social network is essential.

A business Facebook hack is going to be causing its Facebook fans to be infected, the business loses credibility among hundreds of other negative effects. Your Facebook Hack is being hacked so that malware can be spread and potentially ruining your reputation, as well as friends and family, can be hacked.

The share of Social Media is very high, which means communication is important and communication is clear and safe. To protect almost every social Network until today, there are seven simple steps below.

Best Ways to Secure your Social Media Accounts

Step 1. Limit Third Party Applications

Another major contributor to social media theft is third-party applications. Third-party apps are apps that allow you to access your Facebook, Twitter, and other networks. It can be connected to Facebook, which allows you to compete with friends and play, or allow a photo app to edit and post pictures from your app.

In the midst of great technology, we allow a large number of platforms to connect with friends, there is also a malicious layer of accounts that kidnap accounts.

Restricting the third-party applications that reach your social accounts protects hackers from possible less security to get unauthorized access. To limit authorized apps on Facebook and Twitter:

Step 2. Be Careful Clicking on Links

Another way to protect your social media is to verify that the link to which you click on the account is to be careful. There are many links directly to legitimate news sources on Facebook, Twitter and elsewhere, but when it does not happen there are many incidents.

Many Hackers have started misusing trends associated with popular hashtags and Malware-related websites. Always verify the link before you click.

Step 3. Always Use Google’s New Hardware Security Key

Not only are you searching for a safe way to log into Social Media, but to add physical hardware?

Google has finally started supporting the 'Security Key (Fido U2F),' a new technology. Hardware security products like YubiKey have been available for years, yet due to cyber-understanding companies, there is a new password are not enough.

Google is currently the only social media provider to allow such technology to be used as a login method.

We can only believe in Facebook, Twitter will adopt this technique between Twitter.

Step 4. Be Careful Where You Login

Again, some people may find it regular, but double check that you log in with your account. Logging in to third-party applications The interface like Twitter may be an attempt to hijack certificates with other sensitive information.

This is what happens with a website login. Many malicious attackers create nearly identical-looking login pages dedicated to the theft of social media certificates. Be careful where you choose to log in, always verify the URL and app before allowing any type of access.

Step 5. Be Careful Clicking on Links

Another way to protect your Social Media is to verify that the link to which you click on the account is to be careful. There are many links directly to legitimate news sources on Facebook, Twitter and

elsewhere, but when it does not happen there are many incidents.

Many Hackers have started misusing trends associated with popular hashtags and Malware related websites. Always verify the link before you click.

Some people may find it difficult to digest, but social media is a major part of life, represents prestige, trust, networking, friends, events and more. There is very valuable and sensitive information in social networking, if the information is misused through Hacker carelessness, then it can make people feel scared, incredible, and lose a lot of credibilities.

Tags: social media,secure,5 ways to secure your social media account,top 5 ways to secure your social media,5 ways to secure your facebook social media accounts from hackers,social media safety,how to secure social media accounts,how to secure my social media accounts,social media security,social,social media (website category),how to secure social media account 2018,secure your social accounts

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